In the beginning, GOD….

In the beginning, GOD….
God spoke the heavens and earth into existence and He speaks to us still!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Confession

Well, another Christmas season has passed its peak. Rising early again this morning, I collected my thoughts about what transpired over the last few days and especially on Christmas Day itself. If your day was anything like mine, it was very, very busy. 

It was so busy that by early evening my wife and I were exhausted. Now, admittedly my dear bride bore the brunt of the work, with wrapping gifts and cooking for an army-sized family for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. My role was merely a supporting one: logistics work, mainly. I coordinated the movement of elements of the family, provided an extra pair of hands, lifted the beef roast (referred to as a quarter of a cow), retrieved items high off the shelves, carved the roast, and, perhaps most importantly, opened the bottles of wine. These contributions were minor. Still, by 5pm I could have sworn it was 10 - and the outside lights had not even come on.

Yes, I found time to write a simple Christmas song. I wrote several "Hallmarky" poems. You will see I even got in a couple of sermonettes posted here. Still, this morning I see how this special time was spent more in the rush of a Silver Bells moment rather than Adeste Fideles.  There most certainly was not enough Stille Nacht

After my first cup o 'joe, my mind says what transpired was not wrong, really. That is, it was not wrong in general. However, now on the second cup, a Scripture that has been tugging at me demands I reconsider. In so doing, my mind once more says there is nothing wrong in general with all the hustle and bustle surrounding this holiday, but there may be something specifically wrong - inescapably wrong - sinfully wrong.

The condemning verse is well known: "Be still and know that I am God…" As spoken too already, there was far too little time in our day to follow this command to "Be still…" In fact, I did almost everything else, but even when writing that we should focus on the event, I was not still. Here we are at the season where we know the angelic proclamation that there should be a sense of "Peace on earth," we are not at peace: we are too concerned with celebrating. We are not still, so we consequently deprive ourselves of the opportunity to worship in the knowledge of God. In missing this opportunity, we are specifically wrong.

But, it is even worse. This very familiar verse demanding we "Be still and know that I am God…" is part "a" of the verse. What follows is less known, but it places an exclamation point after God's command. Let's look at the verse in its entirety:

“Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!” Ps 46:10

My re-evaluation tells me the season is not over. I have pressing things to do. Things that were not done, or not done as they should. How could it be, especially at this time of year, that I failed so miserably? Thankfully, I can begin now. Join me if you will, in my prayer:

Father God, forgive me! I exalt You and praise You!  There is none like You in the heavens or the earth! You, my God, You alone are worthy of praise. Help me to not only "Be still and know…" You, as I look to Bethlehem, but the entire year. Teach me concerning Yourself, that I may better worship You. Let my thoughts be on You continually, so that my soul is constantly singing Your praise. Thank You for Your correction and thank You for Your marvelous saving grace, which came at the cost of Jesus Christ, Your Son and my Savior, Advocate and Mediator, and in Whose Name I pray, AMEN.

May we all take to heart the entire verse of Psalm 46:10 and all the more so at this time of year. Knowing that good intentions often fade, I purpose that, if Christ delays His coming for another Christmas season, next year's celebration will be different. This year just didn't cut it. The next will be much, much slower but full of His praises, not just for the birth of Messiah, but for the One Triune God, All praise to Him!

Blessings as you contemplate your Christmas time,

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