In the beginning, GOD….

In the beginning, GOD….
God spoke the heavens and earth into existence and He speaks to us still!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Sky

(Brilliant Night Sky)

The skies above this Christmas Eve
Are filled with the heaven’s stars
A brighter night I cannot conceive
But one out shined all others and by far

The night was foretold from ages past
Penned by Israel’s prophets long ago
But few expected the means forecast
And fewer still chose the times to know

Yes, all the prophets words were known
Though discerned through blinded eyes
That when He left His heavenly throne
The learned were proved to be unwise

So while that night was filled with light
Illumined by one star with beams aglow
The Son of God became for us finite
Though heirs to prophets didn’t know

Blind of eye they proved not to hear
As bright skies burst with angels’ song
Darkened minds had deafened ears
Their form of worship had gone wrong

So this Christmas Eve with its bright sky
Where the stars shine down from space
Keep my eyes I pray on Christ glorified
Who bought my soul by His acts of grace.

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