In the beginning, GOD….

In the beginning, GOD….
God spoke the heavens and earth into existence and He speaks to us still!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Star

Some of my passions are writing music and playing the guitar. Please note, they are passions, but not necessarily things I am good at doing. My critics are many, beginning with my bride of going on 40 years (a little over a month away). In any case, I am sharing this little number in appreciation of the season. Feel free to use it if you find it of merit in worship. My only request is, if you do, please let me know the when and where and how it was received. It is copyrighted, so please ask me for permission before recording it (not that I expect you will find it of such value).

Christmas Star

D                      G         A7
One bright and radiant star
D                    A7            D
Its brilliance dimming others
G                   A7          D
Giving guidance from afar
D      G         A7         D
To a place that’s like no-other

G             A7            D
Shine on Christmas star
G                  A7     D
Glow with all your might
D             A7             D
Shine on Christmas star
G            A7       D
Guide us to the Light

D             G       A7
Just one single star
D             A7          D
Points to where He lay
G                    A7                   D
Looking down from where you are
D     G           A7         D
You see Him in the hay


D                    G           A7
The beams of this one star
D              A7            D
Caress the Christ-child’s face
G             A7               D
O star, how blessed you are
D               G         A7              D
To shine on Him, God’s gift of grace


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