In the beginning, GOD….

In the beginning, GOD….
God spoke the heavens and earth into existence and He speaks to us still!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Christmas Child

The Lord has come
The battle won
O'er death and sin and hell
Their chains are gone
They no more do wrong
He has broken sin's dark spell

The vanquished foe 
Seems not to know
His reign on earth is through
Though he fights on
All was lost anon
As God's Son made His debut

Who'd have thought
What this day brought
In this Child Who in a manger lay?
Here Almighty God
Would walk earth's sod
To reteach mankind His ways

But there was more
That lay in store
For the Babe born in Bethlehem
The Great "I AM"
Revealed His plans
To reclaim all things through Him

So Christ came down
Laid aside His crown
Became flesh on Christmas Day
Fouling Satan's schemes
His Father beamed
As His Lamb accomplished all His way

Though a mere Child
So meek and mild
At least that's what man could see
His story foretold
From ages old
This Child brought certain victory!

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